Thursday, July 30, 2009

... a few somethings...

I really itched to write, from the past couple of days but when i sat and thought as to what i should write of , cause no new event has crossed my paths so far, i came up with nothing and so waited for something... anything.... to happen when WHOA... i suddenly realized "events" "somethings" duh ! Every new day is a riddle which you might or might not be able to solve by the end of it ... so well here goes to those .. SOMETHINGS that i encountered....!
life can be a treat and also a real punishment at times....and especially the recent past few days have taught me two very important things:

1. is that you can never be certain and can never be sure... the moment u expect it least it hits you right in your head..
2. unpredictable... a hell lot of unpredictable.

As hard as i shall try to keep this on short there is a plethora of emotions tossing in my head screaming me to give them at times baffle me and not just baffle but a "drop - a - jaw" baffle that things that you took for-granted in terms that its very much bloody normal uummm... like brushing your teeth in the morning, turn the key to start the engine, open your mouth in order to eat etc can one day be not so normal.. you know what i mean... nothing that's happening (and i thought to be normal) is normal anymore.. in fact its total complete opposite of normal disguised and telling me "jharna... where have you been, revise your definition of normal for a change ya". and yes i know i have used the word NORMAL many times here .. that explains how much its effected my thought process.
After leaving me somewhat shaken what option did i have but to accept it but now that i come to think of it, it indeed was good, surely strengthened my immunity kinda enhanced me with a shock absorber mechanism and also made me realize i can be real foolish at times... So all thanks to my friends, colleagues and strangers around me.. giving me a reason to write again... kudos !

and well now that i am sick (viral) , sitting in my house... the free time gave me a lot to ponder which i kept postponing... and on that serious-happy note i shall end it.


Unknown said...

hmmm...interesting!!I am very convinced with the two great points you mentioned there!Expect the unexpected!!Nice work dear,keep rolling...and donn worry, nobody is normal in this world, certainly not me. :D

Unknown said...

Btw, get well soon .. :) u r gonna be fine..TC

Anshul Kulshrestha said...

The idea at the core is mind blowing... and not just mind blowing but a "drop-a-jaw" mind blowing. :)

"jharna... where have you been, revise your definition of normal for a change ya" - is just the icing on the cake.... that style will totally bind your readers with the flow of your thoughts... swimming up and down with emotions... "anshul... where have you been, revise err... revive your style of writing for a change ya".
I learned some stuff for myself. That was very philosophical for a 20+.

Don't let so much time pass between posts.When it starts getting longer.. it mostly gets longer and longer...

Aarushi said...

Yes I agree with Anshul... the thought is simply amazing!
It is always the thought that carries most weight...otherwise anyone can package any bullshit in the most beautiful way...

Rahul Mishra said...

very good yaar....
u kno while reading dis post, i was thinking "how can a soooo child-like girl b soooo philosophical thinker" :)
Gud goin :)